Boot Fails After W 7 Update

Aug 6, 2017
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Boot gets to the point of displaying the windows logo then freezes on a black screen. I am always able to enter safe mode with net working. I was able to return to a restore point successfully but after the next update the same thing happened. This happened again repeatedly over several days until I ran out of viable restore points. Then using "Windows Update Trouble shooter" Found 2 issues:
1) "Problems installing recent updates.....Not Fixed
2) "Service registration is missing or corrupt.".... Fixed

After this the boot completed successfully but then after the next automatic update the problem returned.
I am at a point where my hp desk top is unreliable. I use it for photo post processing and don't know what to do next. Photo shop does'nt work in safe mode. Right now switching to Apple looks like a good choice but expensive.

Does anyone have a solution?


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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Most likely it is a driver issue but drivers are only installed if you have "treat recommended updates the same as important updates." Uncheck that in Windows Update settings (Control Panel > Windows Update) then restore back till it works again.

If it is not a driver then you need to figure out which update is causing the issue and "Hide" it. You would use Windows update & install available updates one at a time, rebooting after each. When it stops working, restore & then go to update setting & right-click on that update & "Hide" it

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