SOLVED A script on this page is causing your web brower to run slowly....What's wrong with?

Dec 17, 2010
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There are 5(five) different picture/photo web-sites I've been looking at without any issues for long time. However, for the past two or three weeks I'm getting the following error message whenever I trying to look at those pictures.

"A script on this page is causing your web brower to run slowly.
If it continues to run, your computer might become responsive."

Yes No

One of web-sites is 'Rail Pictures Net Photoes USA'

Your help would be greatly appreciated.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
springflower, what browser are you using (Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome, etc) ? Have you tried a different browser?

The issue could be from an add-on you use such as an ad blocker or anti-virus toolbar. Have you tried running the browser with add-ons disabled?

I went to with IE, Firefox, and Chrome and no issues at all so could you give the exact URL you are using?
Dec 17, 2010
Reaction score
springflower, what browser are you using (Internet Explorer, FireFox, Chrome, etc) ? Have you tried a different browser?

The issue could be from an add-on you use such as an ad blocker or anti-virus toolbar. Have you tried running the browser with add-ons disabled?

I went to with IE, Firefox, and Chrome and no issues at all so could you give the exact URL you are using?
I've been using Internet Explorer with Windows 7.

Prior to this happened, there was NO issue at all. Just recently, the issue started, then in my guess, since I've been looking at those photo web-sites over and over everyday, something happened, i.e. stuck web-sites or the like, during the course of opening and closing photo-sites.
Do you think 'clean cookies,' and 'defrag' would help?
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^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
defrag reorganizes the files on your hard drive to make them more efficient so that won't have any effect on browser issues. Cleaning your cookies likely won't have any effect with the script error you mention but it won't hurt anything to run it.

It is possible the website changed it's coding and does contain a script. It is also possible you got a virus that is trying to scam you; does it recommend you buy anything, run anything, or go to a website when you get that message (post a screen shot of the message if you can)?

As I said it is likely caused by an add-on such as your anti-virus toolbar or a spam blocker; have you added anything to your browser recently? and did you try running "Internet Explorer (no add-ons)"?
Dec 17, 2010
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screen shot.jpg
defrag reorganizes the files on your hard drive to make them more efficient so that won't have any effect on browser issues. Cleaning your cookies likely won't have any effect with the script error you mention but it won't hurt anything to run it.

It is possible the website changed it's coding and does contain a script. It is also possible you got a virus that is trying to scam you; does it recommend you buy anything, run anything, or go to a website when you get that message (post a screen shot of the message if you can)?

As I said it is likely caused by an add-on such as your anti-virus toolbar or a spam blocker; have you added anything to your browser recently? and did you try running "Internet Explorer (no add-ons)"?
I truly appreciate your effort trying to help me. Thank you!

I didn't add anything to my browser. Also, my anti-virus is Microsoft Security Essential.
I didn't run Internet Explorer (no add-on).


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
The message does appear to be from IE, not a fake virus trying to extort money so that's a good thing.

Try going there using IE (no add-ons) and see if there is a difference. If it no longer happens then the cause is one of your add-ons.

Or they may have just updated their webpages. The warning may be annoying but if you simply choose YES to stop running the script you should be able to view the page fine.

And if you are a member of Facebook try logging off - many webpages these days have some link to Facebook and that has to cause some overhead, right? Just a hunch; I personally don't do Facebook.
Dec 17, 2010
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Thanks for the response.

I used 'System Restore' in my desperation and last resort, .... all way back to early May when there was no issue. At first, it was still the same, 'warning message' popping up as usual. However, after shutting-down to make PC get rest, the site appeared OK without 'warning message' popping up in the middle of the screen.

In my recollection, I did click accidently one or two of ADs on that site that seems having gotten a problem in the first place even though it was NOT virus. It's truly a big headache and pain in the neck. say the least. Also, it's VERY scary!

Thanks for your suggestion, .... click 'YES' in the case starts same problem in the future, but so far it' OK, ... no warning message.
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^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Glad you got it resolved.

I went ahead and marked this solved but we can change that if the trouble returns.

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