Interesting article about Windows


Win 7/Linux Mint Lover
Nov 13, 2009
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That was an interesting article, and I agree with the content of it. There was a comment at the end that was most interesting, and one that I 100% fully agree with.

"Of course the fact I don't object to paying for legal copies of software and/or content (rather than convince myself I have every right to steal it) probably helps."

This type of attitude goes a long way in fighting malware that ships with cracked versions of Windows and other paid software (high dollar apps such as Adobe ones). Who knows what these cracked downloads contains? Rouge software to steal your identity & important info (login username/passwords & account numbers/info)?

I don't need this type of software, don't want it around me, and I refuse to give assistance to anyone who knowingly runs it, if I know for certain that the user is intending on cheating the system. If I were to know someone who has a cracked version of Windows, that didn't know it was as such (like the shade tree PC shop sometimes, but not always, installs), I would inform the user to take appropriate action.

Fortunately, with Windows 7, I don't personally know of anyone who has been victims of this sort of thing, but I knew of a few that was running earlier versions of Windows. A few, I installed a clean, legal version on, where the user either got hold of a counterfeit version (unknowingly), or the repair shop deal that I spoke of above. This was a repair shop that opened & closed in the same month, so the customer (the lady I used to rent from) was left hanging.

Shortly after Christmas of 2009, when Win 7 was released, my little side money doing mostly XP installs dropped faster than Black Monday in 1987. Many users bought new computers with 7 preinstalled (or received them as Christmas gifts), so my side money was gone, for the most part. A couple of users needed 7 reinstalled, but they weren't aware of the recovery partition (or burning the discs, either), so I helped them for free. Instead of me doing it, I walked them through it. That's what the partition is there for, to make your OS "like new" again, w/o the expense of a repair shop bill.

7 has been a great, trouble free OS for me so far, and it's my hope that it'll remain that way for years to come.



Quick Scotty, beam me up!
Oct 27, 2009
Reaction score
I read the original article yesterday that was linked to another website I often go to.

Good read and confirms what I have telling others for a long time about Windows 7.
May 7, 2010
Reaction score
Ed Bott posted a video a while back showing IE9 blocking malware, while Chrome let it through. That would've been better if he also tested the other browser's, too. I know this article is basically about Vista & 7, as for my use. With XP, I'd alway's get 14 infection's per use. I'm talking going to non-porn or gaming site's. When I started using Vista after it came out, that stopped happening. 7 has the same result's as Vista. These result's on my end weren't just based on IE6, as I've always use FF as my go to browser. Opera as 2nd go to browser and IE as last resort.


Quick Scotty, beam me up!
Oct 27, 2009
Reaction score
I've been dabbling lately with the Avant browser which uses the IE9 engine and such. Pretty decent, very fast and configurable plus it has ad blocking for free! Woohoo!


Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
Have you tried "orca", Nibs, on the same page.
I ran them side by side. The only real difference I could see is that avant was a piggy back of IE (plus some very usable features), whereas Orca does appear to be an attempt at a self sufficient browser.
Certainly, once you have ploughed through all those options, it does have a lot of merit.
I loved this one (for my purposes!!)

View attachment bookmarks.rar

Ha! Got it. Orca is very much the same idea but based on Firefox. It seems to be more complete than Firefox, with all the popular add ons.

Both, on impressions only, seemed to be at least as fast as IE or FF. One downside on Orca is that nothing seems to have been done to it since 2009. Avant is still being developed.
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