File Sharing in windows 7.0

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Oct 14, 2011
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In my office setup, we have more than 100 desktops & we have installed windows 7.0 operating system & kaspersky 6.0 Antivirus in all the desktops. We restricted all the users as a standard user. If i want to view a shared folder with other users, it will asks username & password evethough firewall is in off mode in both kaspersky & windows as well as turn off the password option & turn on network sharing / file & printer sharing in advanced sharing setting options in windows 7.0. In advanced sharing option I have already cheked & all the desktops are coming under public only. I also turned off the password protected sharing in advanced sharing option. But still i got the message whenever i want to view the shared folder ' Enter Nework Password"
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^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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Well just FYI the firewall has absolutely nothing to do with userid/pswd so that is not the issue, regardless of whether you are using Kaspersky or Windows firewall.

Now are you saying when you try to enable sharing that is when it asks you for a userid/pswd (because it makes sense that you would need an administrator account to change file sharing).

Or does it ask for a userid/pswd when they try to reference the shared location? The last option, which you didn't mention, under network and sharing > advanced sharing settings is Homegroup connections. Which option is checked? And if it is homegroups then are all the users attached to the same homegroup?

Also note that there are two of everything in network and sharing > advanced sharing settings. There is Home or Work and also Public; one is for the current logged on users data and the other is for public data so if the data is under public documents, music, etc make sure your settings are right under that section.
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