SOLVED Deleting Files on E: Drive (old C: drive).

Aug 12, 2021
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When I built my computer years ago I installed a 128GB SSD as the C: drive. A year later I ran out of room and installed a 256GB SSD and copied all files to it. It became the new C: drive and the old SSD became E:.
The E: drive just sits there doing nothing (I think) and I was wondering if I can delete all the files on it (which some SEEM to be duplicates of C; files) and use it for an additional storage or something.
Thanks for any ideas.
Win 7 64

hard-drive-screenshot.jpg hard-drive-screenshot-02.jpg


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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I would start by opening your computer (while powered off and unplugged) and disconnecting the 128GB's cables. You don't have to remove the drive, just disconnect the wires/cords running to it. Now turn the computer on and see if there really is nothing it needs from E:.

This is just to be certain nothing is booting or running from E:. If the computer has any issues booting or running programs or is missing files/data then it was using things on E: and it is not safe to reformat it ... shut down, reattach the cables and boot back up. In this case, you would need to be very careful what you delete because you have proved some of them are being used.

On the other hand, if you leave it disconnected for a while and it all works and nothing appears to be missing, then the easiest thing to do would be to Quick format the E: drive. Shut down and reconnect the cables. Boot back up. Run DISKMGMT.MSC and then right-mouse-click on the E: drive and choose FORMAT. The Drive volume, file system, and Allocation size should all be set to the current readings so you can leave them. Simply check the box for "Quick Format" & then press OK. The drive should now show all the space as available.
Aug 12, 2021
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Thanks for the great suggestion, TrainableMan. I will try that and post the results.
Aug 12, 2021
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As shown in the pic below, I disconnected the wiring harness first which resulted in the operating system to not load at all. I reconnected it and disconnected the power cable and now everything works. The E: drive no longer shows up on the diagram. I'll leave this way for awhile and if all stays well I'll reformat it.
Thank again for the help.


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