"Can't Open Add Printer" (Win Pro 64-Bit)

Nov 19, 2009
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I just installed this clean, via retail version. All seesm to be going okay except that everytime I try to add a printer, it tells me:

>>Windows can't open Add Printer. The local print spooler service is not running. Please restart the spooler or restart the machine.<<

And many attempts to do this via the services menu seems to go okay but when I try to add printer again = same result; also after making the change via services menu and then restarting = same result;

Can someone pls HELP!!!??
Thank you.

(Windows 7 Professional; 64-bit installation)
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
I just installed this clean, via retail version. All seesm to be going okay except that everytime I try to add a printer, it tells me:

>>Windows can't open Add Printer. The local print spooler service is not running. Please restart the spooler or restart the machine.<<

And many attempts to do this via the services menu seems to go okay but when I try to add printer again = same result; also after making the change via services menu and then restarting = same result;

Can someone pls HELP!!!??
Thank you.

(Windows 7 Professional; 64-bit installation)
PLS NOTE-- this is a bootcamp install in MAC... probably makes a huge difference as to the genesis of this problem... anyway if anyone can suggest a fix, PLEASE HELP!
Nov 19, 2009
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When you check your Services, is the Print Spooler Service showing Started and Automatic? Also check the following:

What services Print Spooler needs to function properly:
Thanks @draceena-- on your questions:
1) print spooler under 'services' shows Automatic, but not yet started. Every time I start it, but still same error, and I cannot add printer.
2) HTTP-- ? Not sure what you meant by this question., but there is no item for HTTP under my 'services' menu.
3) RPC-- Started/Automatic
4) DCOM Server Process Launcher-- Started/Automatic
5) RPC Endpoint mapper-- Started/Automatic.

So the only thing that's unclear/missing is the HTTP part... what do you think?


Microsoft MVP
Jul 20, 2009
Reaction score
Try and disable your anti virus temporarily. Then , in Services, restart the spooler and try again.
If this works, post you anti virus program for suggestions.


That Crazy Amazon Chick!
Jan 17, 2009
Reaction score
Sorry for including the HTTP part, that was not supposed to show. Otherwise since all your other services are correct, the Anti-Virus route would be the next best possible solution.

I also found the following at another forum, be aware this is suggesting you edit your registry and you should always do a backup before making any changes:

Open Regedit, goto:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Print\Environments\Windows NT x86\Drivers\Version-3

Remove the print driver from there.

Also goto:

And remove the printer from that list.
restart the print spooler and the spooler should start behaving
Nov 19, 2009
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@Dave-- tried the antivir deactivation (KIS 2010), turned it off; restarted the spooler; and still same error.

@draceena-- I'll try the reg edits now... just doing a fresh back up first.

My thoughts on this, given its only a problem on my bootcamp (mac osx/snow leopard) copy of Win-7 professional (my desktop, a dell running another copy of the same Win-7 professional 64-bit has absolutely no issues) that its a bootcamp/Mac problem. I've posted on Apple's support site, but nothing yet... will try the reg-edit fix anyway to see how we go... not sure when Apple will start supporting bootcamp for 64-bit/Win-7.................................

Thanks again.
Nov 19, 2009
Reaction score
yep, @draceena-- tried the regedit, and still same error... frustrating!!

may have to wait for apple to write a fix to their bootcamp drivers... they've promised one by year-end ( http://support.apple.com/kb/HT3920), so hopefully won't have to wait too long.

thanks for trying though, I appreciate all the advice.

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