Get V-UAP14 logitech cam to work in W7 64-bit?

Nov 25, 2011
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Ok guys first of all Im owner of V-UAP14 logitech cam and Windows 7 64bit system service pack 3.
I tried everything what you posted about Windows Compatibility Mode but nothing works maybe Im doing something wrong I don't know.

I tried also this one but It's fake I guees because I can't download this file:

but even that people say that it doesn't work for them.

I tried everything, downloaded this driver for my cam for windows XP from here:

Tried to run install exe in compatibility mode with Windows XP Service Pack 3 and Service pack 2 ( I guees it was 2 because I can't see the name fully description in the compatibility card do not let me see it ) after reinstalling.
I tried then run Logitech QuickCam shortcut in compatibility mode for sp 2 mentioned upwards and sp3 I tried it normaly also but nothing works. I also tried to run other files from the program like ManifestEngine.exe or FxSvr2.exe and Magic something.exe those files that are opening when you install the cam driver for xp and that are runing with Logitech QuickCam.exe and nothing can detect my cam. When Im opening that last .exe file system message says that it's known problem with the compatibility of my system It just says that win 7 doesnt support my cam but I've heard about ppl who make it work I wonder how they did it please help me.

What should I do to make it run on my windows? Could someone explain it to me step by step please? Im sure that it would help not only for me but to many users of windows 7 that have the same problem as we do with the camera. :(
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Nov 25, 2011
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Ok guys first of all Im owner of V-UAP14 logitech cam and Windows 7 64bit system with service pack 3.
I tried almost everything what you posted ppl and mainly tried with the compatibility mode but nothing works maybe Im doing something wrong I don't know.
I tried also this one but It's fake I guees because I can't download this file with suposedly driver 11.5 ver (but only for 32 bit win7 I guees) :

Just havn't tried the way that guanyangyu posted because I don't know how to do it step by step by device manager to manually update that driver and my version of the driver like our versions of the cam are different I guees. But Im sure I could make it work because some people said that they made it somehow.

guanyangyu post:

'Haha, I solved this problem. I ran the 11.5 software, but that did not work. Then, I went into my temporary folder (C:\Users\Guanyang\AppData\Local\Temp) and found the files that were extracted from the exe file (QuickCam_11.5.0). In there, I went under Drivers and ELCH64, found the IELCH64v.inf file and used device manager to manually update to that driver, and voila, it worked. However, what I am curious about is as to why the installer could not do this, but a manual install could.'

I tried almost everything except that one above, downloaded this driver for my cam for windows XP from here (Dunno if I should download Windows Vista driver and how to run it or in compatibility or normaly?):

Tried to run install qc848enu.exe (Logitech Quickcam 9.0.2 ver) in compatibility mode with Windows XP Service Pack 3 and Service pack 2 ( I guees it was 2 because I can't see the name fully description in the compatibility card it do not let me see) after reinstalling.
I then tried to run Logitech QuickCam shortcut in compatibility mode for sp 2 mentioned upwards and sp3. I tried it normaly also but nothing works. I also tried to run other files from the program like ManifestEngine.exe or FxSvr2.exe and Magic something.exe in compability mode - those files that are opening when you install the cam driver for xp and that are runing with Logitech QuickCam.exe and still nothing can detect my cam. When Im opening that last .exe file system message says that it's known problem with the compatibility of my system It just says that win 7 doesnt support my cam then i ignore thou still I can run the program but cam is not readable. I've heard about ppl who made it work I wonder how they did it please help me.

What should I do to make it run on my windows? Could someone explain it to me step by step please? Im sure that it would help not only for me but to many users of windows 7 that have the same problem as we do with the cameras.
Help please...

Thank You so much if someone get intrested and could help me somehow.


IM TRYING TO INSTAL THOSE DRIVERS WITH THE EQUIPMENT MANAGER BUT NOW IT DOESNT EVEN SHOW ME TO PUT CAMERA INTO USB SO IT COULD DETECT IT. IT'S BECAUSE I DONE SOMETHING BAD TO Magic(something).exe and now I cant find that file please tell me where that file is? Just please I need to know it's somewhere in windows directory but can't find it and it wont start now automaticaly since I made it to work in compatibility with Win Xp service pack 3 and now I cant find that file cause it wont open and I cant go to its directory. Please tell me where that file is that will save my life. I need to know, this fale is opening to recognize your camera then it says to put a cam into a usb and I cant see that message now. Please someone check for me the directory of that file which opens I told U when.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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Without proper drivers installed it will not work, period. According to your Logitech link this was not even supported in Vista so there are no 64-bit drivers for W7.

The driversdot link says it is for 32-bit, you have 64-bit, so that wouldn't work for you either. Old XP drivers would also be 32-bit - won't work.

Apparently someone was able to tweak it to work in the W7 release candidate (beta testing) but then you see from a final poster that it didn't work for them when W7 was actually released. see Thread. I suspect this is because 64-bit requires signed drivers and RC didn't.

There is software, such as dseo13b.exe, which allows you to use unsigned drivers (essentially it puts your W7 in a test mode) and this might facilitate loading the drivers but as to how you would accomplish that I honestly don't know.

Without actual 64-bit drivers your web cam will NOT work in native W7 64. You may be able to run a virtual XP environment and use your web cam drivers and software within that.

or, Best recommendation, buy a new one. In the USA we can get cheap webcams for under US$15 that are still quite good; I'm sure you can find a decent one in your country, too.
Last edited:
Aug 4, 2014
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I got this working on Windows 8.1 x64 Enterprise! Here is what I did:

* Download the 32-bit Windows XP v8.4.8 for the QuickCam Chat V-UAP14 from here:
* The file was named qc848enu.exe. Right-click it and choose Properties.
* Select the Compatibility Tab.
* Select the checkbox in the "Compatibility mode" fieldset for "Run this program in compatibility mode for:"
* Also select Windows XP (Service Pack 3) from the dropdown list in the "Compatibility mode" fieldset.
* Select the "OK" button.
* Execute qc848enu.exe and do the complete installation. (It will want to reboot; go ahead and let it.)
* When it comes back up it will tell you to connect the camera. It won't work at this point.
* I went to Programs and Features and saw two entries: some Logitech software and Logitech Camera Driver. Uninstall the Logitech software but leave the Logitech Camera Driver.
* Download the Windows 7 x64 driver from Logitech for QuickCam Express:
* The file was named lws110_x64.exe. I opened it as an archive with 7-Zip and copied the contents of the Drivers folder to a folder in my desktop. Inside was a folder named x64 folder, and two files: DevInst.cfg and LgDrvInst.exe. (Just as an FYI if you open DevInst.cfg in notepad you will see a setting for "MIGRATELEGACYQUICKCAM")
* Execute LgDrvInst.exe and it will install all of its drivers into Win8 - the crucial part being that it will migrate legacy QuickCam drivers.
* Plug in the camera.
* Open Device Manager and double-click the camera with the yellow exclamation point icon.
* Select the "Update Driver..." button.
* Select the "Browse my computer for driver software" button/section.
* Select the "Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer" button/section.
* Scroll down to "Logitech" in the "Manufacturer" listbox.
* Select "Logitech QuickCam Chat" in the "Model" listbox.
* Select the "Next" button.
* Select the "Yes" button on the "Update Driver Warning" dialog box.​

Congratulations! You now have a working V-UAP14 on Windows 8 x64! Any software designed to find an attached camera on your machine will now recognize your camera and use it.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
Thank you wartickler for sharing your solution. The original post is almost 3 years old so I'm not sure the poster is still around but it may help others who find this thread in a search.
Aug 6, 2014
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Thank you so much wartickler got this camera working on my windows 7 PC but the mic does not work. camera does.
Jan 19, 2015
Reaction score
THANK YOU WarTickler!!!
a few minor comments (ones with dashes in front ---).... I'm on Windows 8.1 x64 Pro

* Download the 32-bit Windows XP v8.4.8 for the QuickCam Chat V-UAP14 from here:
* The file was named qc848enu.exe. Right-click it and choose Properties.
* Select the Compatibility Tab.
* Select the checkbox in the "Compatibility mode" fieldset for "Run this program in compatibility mode for:"
* Also select Windows XP (Service Pack 3) from the dropdown list in the "Compatibility mode" fieldset.
* Select the "OK" button.
* Execute qc848enu.exe and do the complete installation. (It will want to reboot; go ahead and let it.)
* When it comes back up it will tell you to connect the camera. It won't work at this point.
--- for me the first time I did this it did not come with a popup screen asking me to connect (so there was no Logitech Camera Driver in Programs ).... Until I ran it a second time
* I went to Programs and Features and saw two entries: some Logitech software and Logitech Camera Driver. Uninstall the Logitech software but leave the Logitech Camera Driver.
* Download the Windows 7 x64 driver from Logitech for QuickCam Express:
* The file was named lws110_x64.exe. I opened it as an archive with 7-Zip and copied the contents of the Drivers folder to a folder in my desktop. Inside was a folder named x64 folder, and two files: DevInst.cfg and LgDrvInst.exe. (Just as an FYI if you open DevInst.cfg in notepad you will see a setting for "MIGRATELEGACYQUICKCAM")
* Execute LgDrvInst.exe and it will install all of its drivers into Win8 - the crucial part being that it will migrate legacy QuickCam drivers.
* Plug in the camera.
* Open Device Manager and double-click the camera with the yellow exclamation point icon.
* Select the "Update Driver..." button.
* Select the "Browse my computer for driver software" button/section.
* Select the "Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer" button/section.
--- Now choose Imaging Devices
* Scroll down to "Logitech" in the "Manufacturer" listbox.
* Select "Logitech QuickCam Chat" in the "Model" listbox.
* Select the "Next" button.
* Select the "Yes" button on the "Update Driver Warning" dialog box.
Apr 23, 2016
Reaction score
I tried to install it with this guido on Windows 10. I think it almost works, but when I change in the windows camera software from internal to the quickcam i get a failure message (LV561V64.SYS)

I'm running on Windows 10 64bit.

Any ideas how to solve that? would be really great

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