League of Legends

Jan 22, 2009
Reaction score
heeeeeey chaps

just thought id submit a little thread about a doozy of a game, a FREE game no less.

Any of you who have played/know of the famous DoTA, will love LoL.

I'm not the best seller of games in the world, so i'll simply let you look at the season 1 cinematic (its been in a "beta" phase for the better part of several years, and season 1 marks the first official opening of the game proper - despite being a pretty complete game already, imo)

[ame="[MEDIA=youtube]IzMnCv_lPxI[/MEDIA]"]YouTube - League of Legends - Season One CG Cinematic Trailer[/ame]

-- oh, on a side note, if any of of you guys are interested in giving the game a shot, reply or send me a pm with your email, and i'll get you an invite link ;)
May 7, 2010
Reaction score
Send me a link

Send me a link for it. Looks like cool game. (e-mail address removed)
heeeeeey chaps

just thought id submit a little thread about a doozy of a game, a FREE game no less.

Any of you who have played/know of the famous DoTA, will love LoL.

I'm not the best seller of games in the world, so i'll simply let you look at the season 1 cinematic (its been in a "beta" phase for the better part of several years, and season 1 marks the first official opening of the game proper - despite being a pretty complete game already, imo)

YouTube - League of Legends - Season One CG Cinematic Trailer

-- oh, on a side note, if any of of you guys are interested in giving the game a shot, reply or send me a pm with your email, and i'll get you an invite link ;)
Mar 8, 2009
Reaction score
That is a cool looking game. :D

Is this a multi-player game?
I wouldn't be interested in those unless it also supports single-player.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
Reaction score
From their webpage I would say, sorry yes it is an online MMU clifford, But there is a practice option against bots that might interest you.
Jan 22, 2009
Reaction score
Its not direct MMO, its more of just a PVP tower defense/mmo hybrid.

there is HUGE lack of grind involved with this game. which is why i personally love it.

it has real money things you can buy, but for the sake of game balance (thank god) you cant buy items or anything with cash that will affect gameplay. all the cash items are personal to you and only affect you, such as custom skins or boosts to your "gold" earnt in the games.

Its got a very competitive edge, being almost purely PVP, but its ladder system is based on your profiles level and streak of W/L ratios. so new players will only be put against/with other players of their standing, or ELO.

LoL is a huuuugely teamplay based game, you cannot win without your teammates, and they cannot win without you!

(which means unfortunately, youll run into ALOT, ALOT of idiots along the way. but thats only at the lower brackets of players.)

err....really long and unnecessary explanation /end.

- if you wanna trry the game guys, just tell me and ill get more invite codes!
Jan 22, 2009
Reaction score
That is a cool looking game. :D

Is this a multi-player game?
I wouldn't be interested in those unless it also supports single-player.

It is PVP unfortunately. the only single player you get is the demo at the beginning, and then if you play purely with bots. which you can do, its fine, but eventually, your gunna wanna play PVP. everyone does :p

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