Wait... What's thanksgiving?
When America was first being settled by Europeans the pilgrims and the (American) Indians got together and had a huge feast to give thanks to God for surviving and having a bountiful harvest etc. Since Wild Turkey's are only native to North America they became the food of choice to represent the holiday (although we often have ham as well); it is even sometimes referred to as Turkey Day.
It is a recognized holiday in the USA and is held on the fourth Thursday of November each year. It is also informally the start of the Christmas season as huge sales typically occur the Friday after Thanksgiving, some as early as 3 a.m. In our consumerist society though, many stores are decorating and pushing Christmas earlier and earlier because Christmas makes money while Thanksgiving, not so much.
Anyone can give thanks for the gifts in their life, it does not require a special day, but the kids enjoy a couple days off school
[SIZE=+1]Happy Thanksgiving ![/SIZE]