Port error Port already open

May 3, 2016
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I have two PC interfaced USB multimeters of same model (MASTECH MS8340 B). For my research work, I have to record voltage and current simultaneously with time with these two multimeters (as this is having data logging options). One meter assigned to record current in PC and the other one record voltage in PC. Operating system: Windows 7, 64 bit. When current measuring multimeter alone is connected to a PC via micro USB-USB cable, it records current as expected. And similarly, when voltage measuring multimeter alone is connected to PC via micro USB-USB cable, it records voltage as expected. But if the two multimeters are connected to a PC in two different USB ports, and if the program is opened to record both current and voltage data, it shows an error says “Port error, Port already open”. The point is both meters are connected in separate USB ports. Now to record the results I am using two computers one for each.

Is it possible to connect the two (same) USB multimeter devices in a single PC? Kindly post solution. Thank you and Sorry for the detailed text.

With kind regards,

M Kanagasabapathy


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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I would probably connect one & then go to Control Panel > Device Manager and find it in the list. Double-click & go to the Details tab and see if any of the items in the list are for PORT (select items in the drop-down menu.) If so, then see if there is an option to chose a different one.

If not then I doubt you will find an answer here; you would likely need to go to the product manufacturer and see if they have a different driver or instructions on how to modify the device settings

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