How to Get Microsoft to keep supporting Windows 7

Sep 26, 2015
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It's all about money, remember that. So let's get a petition going where we say we are willing to pay for continuing support. Each one that is, pays a fee, one time for many years or on a yearly basis (probably the best seller). If enough of us sign up, they will have no excuse not to continue support of Windows 7. Personally, I do not like at all any of the latest versions. Alternatively, we could crowd source a firm to do it. Now Windows may be stubern. At that point we can crowd suit them: We bought their product, we are willing to pay for support past it's reasonable lifetime (in their opinion), so I would think it is a tort for them not to accept a reasonable offer to continue supporting it.


^ The World's First ^
May 10, 2010
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I'm not willing to pay anything for their continued support. The only support I get now is updates to fix weaknesses/exploits. Even WinXP still runs perfectly fine although support ended, plus it becomes less of a target to hackers.

They are giving away Win10 so if you want support, upgrade.
Last edited:
Sep 26, 2015
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You make a good point. However, XP would not run all the cores on my AMD Phenom II x6.I had to go to 7 pro. I assume that a similar problem could occur with newer processors in the future.


Oct 17, 2008
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There's extended support for Windows 7 until at least January 14, 2020 - that's a heck of a long way away when it comes to a piece of software.

I think it's quite reasonable to expect people to upgrade the OS by then if they want support, as hardware and 3rd party software will have moved on a long way by then. You've already identified a problem that older operating systems face (i.e. not working fully with new hardware), which is part of the reason they make a followup OS in the first place ;). You can make Windows 10 look just like Windows 7 if you really want to and you'll have all of the advantages and minimal differences.

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